“You will keep in perfect peace those whose minds are steadfast because they trust in You.” – Isaiah 26:3
The word “keep” comes from the semitic root visor, which means to “guard or watch over”. God gives us peace in Jesus Christ. Jesus says, “My peace I give you.” Jesus has perfect peace. He trusts in The Father. His mind is steadfast because He trusts in His Father.
God The Father is watching over us in perfect peace. God the Father, Himself, has perfect peace. He is the One from whom all blessings flow, including perfect peace.
We pray for perfect peace. But no one can have complete peace without trust in God. To trust in Him is to trust in The One who is perfect peace, has perfect peace, and watches over us in perfect peace.
As we walk in this peace, we can be kind to one another and live rooted and grounded in Christ’s peace, love and joy.
His peace deepened and furthered by Jesus death on the cross and resurrection. Jesus achieved peace for us, peace with God The Father. By His death, He broke down the dividing wall of enmity between God and humanity. He paved the way for everlasting peace with God for us.
Peace is only complete when it is coupled with trust. Let us focus on trusting God. As we do, He will keep our minds steadfast because we trust in Him.