Seminars + Retreats


Deeper love international promotes healthy love relationship awareness and healing through seminars, retreats, and inspirational personal-growth resources. We educate on life-giving and toxic relationships. We provide awareness, prevention and recovery resources for people in  “red zone” relationships (toxic dating relationships, intimate partner abuse, domestic violence, human trafficking and other relationships characterized by emotional, psychological, and/or physical violence). 

Human Trafficking and You – An educational seminar and training which teaches what human trafficking is, how it works and what you can do about it.

Rest and Renewal – Discover tips and experience renewal through this seminar featuring mindfulness, meditative prayer, and contemplative living.

Hope Beyond Heartache – Find lasting hope beyond life’s heartaches and be set free

Love Beyond Measure – Discover the deep love God has for you in Jesus Christ and watch your relationships and community transform.  Learn key spiritual growth principles that will take your relationship with the Lord to a whole new level

Everyday Evangelism – Learn how to engaged in evangelism every day in your daily life. Overcome your fears of sharing Christ and the gospel. And grow in your confidence in His word.